Jun 5, 2013

Hobo 6 in the hell

Play free Hobo 6 : hobo in the hell!

Hobo returns as he fights off demons in Hell. The same gross combos return along with a new ones.
Game controls:
A - Punch
S - Kick

Arrow keys - To move.

Play game now:

Mar 29, 2011

Vegetable Sandwich

Description: Today we are making vegetable sandwiches! Maybe you have few vegetarians friends so you need to learn how to feed them without any meat. Start with a delicious sandwich made by vegetables. First you need to cut all the vegetables and than put them between two slices of bread. It`s very simple and the sandwich is finished!.
How to play: This game use mouse to play

click here to play:  Vegetable Sandwich

Dec 22, 2010

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword not even near finished. WHAT?

After that Bluetooth interference-scuppered presentation of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword at E3, the team was at least confident about how far along development was. "If it weren't for the new art style, the game would have shipped by now" - that's what Eiji Aonuma said. So what's Miyamoto talking about now when he says the game's merely 'over half complete'? We always thought it was coming in early 2011 but now we're not so sure...
Miyamoto told Pocket-Lint “What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense. We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it”. Looks like the team is concentrating on making the game as packed full of interesting things to do as possible.
That can only be a good thing - even Wind Waker had a section that Miyamoto felt was rushed and actually apologised for. That hunt for the Triforce was boring in Miyamoto's eyes. So making sure the whole game is as interesting and well-paced as possible should make Skyward Sword more than worth the wait. It's still down for a 2011 release, so hopefully it won't be too much longer.
In the same interview, Miyamoto had time to comment on Microsoft and Sony's new motion control endeavors, saying: "Of course, I am happy that motion is fashionable now. But when we make games, we are not trying to produce trendy products. It needs to be an experience that's meaningful, and the motion control needs to add something. So our new Zelda game takes motion control and adds something to the game to make you feel like you're part of the adventure. I think our rivals need to find what it is they have to offer that’s new."
Source: Pocket-Lint

Nov 11, 2010

Free online Gum games

Super Boomer MaxSuper Boomer Max
Tags: Flash, Collecting Games, Gum, Unrated games, 1 Player, Running,
Infomation: Gather all of the gums and dodge all monsters.
How to play: Arrows Keys - Move. Spacebar - Jump.Play free Super Boomer Max at freeonlinegames6.com
Bubble Gum CrisisBubble Gum Crisis
Tags: Flash, Girl, Gum, Unrated games, 1 Player, Kids,
Infomation: Avoid all the Charm Candies hit the Princess Candy.
How to play: Use mouse to play the game.
Play free Bubble Gum Crisis at freeonlinegames6.com
Chewrassic ParkChewrassic Park
Tags: New games, Flash, Collecting Games, Gum, Animal, Unrated games, 1 Player, Shoot Em Up, Dinosaur,
Infomation: This is the chewrassic park! The monster chewie is hungry. Feed him with some chewits.
How to play: Use Mouse to interact.
Play free Chewrassic Park at freeonlinegames6.com
Bubble Gum Sweetie CatcherBubble Gum Sweetie Catcher
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Animal, Bubbles, Cat, Collecting Games, Flash, Flying, Fruit, Gum,
Infomation: Use your bubble gum to fly up and try to collect all the fruit.
How to play: Left / Right Arrow Keys - Move. Spacebar - Fly. Play free Bubble Gum Sweetie Catcher at freeonlinegames6.com
Bubble BoomBubble Boom
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Balloons, Beat Em Up, Bubbles, Fighting, Flash, Gum, Kids, Throwing,
Infomation: Beat the Gadbad Gang by throwing Bubbaloo Balloons on them and avoid their red balloons.
How to play: Use Mouse to interact.
Play free Bubble Boom at freeonlinegames6.com
Coyote RollCoyote Roll
Tags: 1 Player, Animal, Flash, Gum, Obstacle,
Infomation: Race down the slope to catch the roadrunner!
How to play: Right Arrow Key - Speed Up Left Arrow Key - Slow Down. Up Arrow Key - Jump. Play free Coyote Roll at freeonlinegames6.com
Jimmy BubblegumJimmy Bubblegum
Tags: 1 Player, Animal, Bubbles, Flash, Flying, Gum, Obstacle, Puzzle, Shoot Em Up, Shooting,
Infomation: Float upwards with your bubblegum. Dodge baddies as you shot them with gumballs. Gets crazy hard.
How to play: This game is played with mouse only.
Play free Jimmy Bubblegum at freeonlinegames6.com

First look at World of Warcraft’s charity pets

Blizzard has recently released the first images of the new World of Warcraft in-game pets that will be coming to the Blizzard Pet Store. Check out the extra cute version of raid boss Ragnaros and the tiny Moonkin Hatchlings below.

As with the previously released Pandaren Monk, Blizzard plans to donate proceeds from sales to a charitable cause. Blizzard was able to raise $1.1 million for the Make a Wish Foundation with sales of the Pandaren Monk pet. However, no details have been announced as to which charity will receive donations or how much of the proceeds from sales will be donated.


Nov 10, 2010

First L.A. Noire trailer coming this Thursday

Rockstar has announced that it will release a new L.A. Noire trailer this Thursday. Though footage has been previously released, Rockstar is calling this the "first" trailer, which we hope means that it will include gameplay. Oh, wait... you do remember what L.A. Noire is, right?

Team Bondi's upcoming detective game has been teased for a long time (since 2004, even), but information has been sparse. Earlier this year, GameInformer posted exclusive screens and scored a 10-page mag feature which described the game's "groundbreaking facial-animation system" and "astonishing reconstruction of 1947 Los Angeles."

According to the latest from Rockstar, the game is a "twisted tale of murder, corruption and jazz" and is the "public debut of groundbreaking new performance scanning technology that will change the face of digital entertainment."

Rockstar has sort of changed the face of digital entertainment before, so bombastic as the statement may be, we're intrigued.

Nov 8, 2010

Director Paul Anderson: Not playing games before adapting them is disrespectful

At one time we’ve all done it, or seen it done. We’ve stood in front of the class and delivered a report on a book we’ve never read. Rarely was it ever successful, and even when it was, we all knew the report would have been better had we actually read the damn book. Yet Hollywood has been doing the same thing for years according to Paul Anderson, director of Resident Evil: Afterlife.

In a recent interview with Crispy Gamer, Anderson responded to filmmaker Mike Newell’s admission that he had never actually played the Prince of Persia games whilst promoting the film of the same name. “That's like adapting a book without reading the book or adapting a stage play and never seeing the stage play. I think it's disrespectful to the medium, and it's disrespectful to the original source material, and ultimately, it doesn't make the best movie." 

While Afterlife never even approached PoP’s worldwide gross of $335M, Anderson sticks to his guns:
“As a filmmaker, I'm definitely immersed in the world of Resident Evil, so even though we're choosing to tell slightly different stories and introduce some different characters, the movies are very much immersed in the video game world. You can see it from the way they're shot to what the production design looks like, to what the costumes look like. This is clearly a franchise made by people who know the intellectual property that it's based upon very, very well. I think it infuses the whole movie with the feeling of Resident Evil that I think the fans know is authentic.”
While Anderson’s research integrity is certainly appreciated, and he definitely doesn’t foul the air quite like another certain director does – and, hey, kudos on marrying Mila Jovovich - deference to the source material does not always a good movie make. Lest we forget Anderson is also responsible for the Street Fighter, Super Mario Brothers, Mortal Kombat and the Dead or Alive films... along with the other Resident Evil films.

Still, we cannot help but feel that loving that material you’re working with will at least make the end result (whatever it may be) “better” than if you don’t. But we can probably all agree that just developing a compelling story and characters will make an infinitely better film than love alone. In either case, the last thing we want is for Hollywood to stop making game adaptations…how else would we get articles like this?
Any thoughts on the matter? Tell us in the comments.

Nov 4, 2010

Supreme Court hears arguments in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, asks if we should ban fairy tales too

Nov 2 is the day for Americans to make their voices heard, and in the cold of a Washington D.C. morning hundreds of people gathered of the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States in anticipation of the oral arguments heard today regarding the Schwarzenegger v. EMA suit, and the much-reviled California Video Game Law.
While little attention has been paid to this suit on a national level, the Court’s gallery was over-stuffed with observers as Attorney General of California, Zackery Morazzini, made his opening statements. Moranzzini began by suggesting that the “deviant” level of violence that is depicted in certain video games requires legal restrictions to protect minors.
Protect them from what, wondered Justice Scalia. "You are asking us to create a whole new prohibition... what's next after violence? Drinking? Movies that show drinking? Smoking?"  Scalia also suggested that banning violent videogames would be of the same order as banning Grimm’s fairy tales, which are often very similar in their depictions of violence.

The Court was not prepared to let the video games industry off the hook so easily, however. "Imagining a game that allows a player to torture babies," Justice Breyer suggested. "Why isn't it common sense for the state to say 'Parents, if you want your 13-year-old to play it you have to buy it?” The Court went on to question the game’s industry ardent resistance to any law that would limit the exposure of violent content to children.
While the hearing was not a very somber affair, with Justice Kagan admitting that half of the Court’s clerks played Mortal Kombat, the Justices did press Moranzinni hard to prove why video games should be placed in a ‘special category’ separate from rap music or fairy tales.
 Moranzinni declared that video games were ‘unusual’ in that their interactive nature may trigger a subconscious drive within players –particularly young players- to commit violent acts, and that these impulses would not be triggered through non-interactive mediums such as movies, music, or bedtime stories.
After the hour-long hearing both plaintiff and defending representatives emerged optimistic about their chances for success.
“I think what the court really does understand is the difficulty of regulating in the area of violence in the absence of any historical basis for drawing a new exception under the First Amendment…  and so I think the court is, at least I hope, they will come away very skeptical of the notion that just because someone can show you a video of a video game that some people think is offensive that somehow it justifies coming up with a whole regulatory regime – particularly where there is already a whole voluntary regulatory regime,” said Paul Smith, representative of the EMA.
Senator Leland Yee, author of the controversial legislation, countered “I think that they [the Justices] were very, very interested in finding a way to ensure that [these] gratuitous, ultra-violent video games [are not] out in the hands of children.”
The Court’s decision is expected before the Summer recess of June, 2011. Since today’s the day to make your voices heard, what did you think of the proceedings?
[source: gamesradar.com]

play free Cristiano ronaldo Dress up game

Christiano Ronaldo prepares for the great football match and needs you to help him find the perfect decision for his apparel. Can you give him some suggestions.


Nov 3, 2010

Free online movie games - 20 games

Gimme 5 MovieGimme 5 Movie
Tags: Guessing Game, 1 Player, Flash, Series, Movie,
Infomation: Spot the five differences in the two movie pictures. You have a joker to reveal a difference. So concentrate, find and have fun searching!
How to play: Mouse - To interact.
Play free Gimme 5 Movie at freeonlinegames6.com
Movie MakerMovie Maker
Tags: Flash, 1 Player, Movie, Kids,
Infomation: Make a great film by using ung camera skills.
How to play: Use arrow keys to move the camera. A and Z to zoom in and out. Play free Movie Maker at freeonlinegames6.com
American Pie Beer ChuggerAmerican Pie Beer Chugger
Tags: Beer, Shockwave, 1 Player, Movie,
Infomation: Don't leave your fraternity bros hanging! as a lowly pledge, you've got to prove you're Beta material by becoming the Pledge Bartender.
How to play: Use Mouse to interact.
Play free American Pie Beer Chugger at freeonlinegames6.com
Movie ConnectionMovie Connection
Tags: Unrated games, Flash, Fun, Guessing Game, 1 Player, Movie,
Infomation: Do you love movies? The object of the game is to place the actors in the correct positions so they matched up with the films they starred in. You earn points for each correct answer. Have fun!
How to play: Mouse - Drag and release.
Play free Movie Connection at freeonlinegames6.com
Dress Up SamaraDress Up Samara
Tags: Flash, Girl, 1 Player, Dress Up, Parody, Movie, Kids,
Infomation: Watched the Japanese horror movie "The Ring"? Dress up Samara from "The Ring" in this scary dress up game.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Dress Up Samara at freeonlinegames6.com
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest FightingPirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest Fighting
Tags: Flash, 1 Player, Action, Strategy, Movie, Sword, Fighting,
Infomation: Relive the fight scene in the popular movie. You will fight your enemy until your last breath and use your skills to become the ultimate pirate of the the Caribbean! Good luck!
How to play: Q , A , Z - Block. O , K , M - Attack. Spacebar - Jump.Play free Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest Fighting at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG ep 6Sonic RPG ep 6
Tags: Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Monsters, Fighting,
Infomation: This is the sixth installment of Sonic RPG. I hope you enjoy this just like you enjoy the previous episode.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG ep 6 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 2Sonic RPG eps 2
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Robots, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: Well, here is the second episode of Sonic RPG, as We promised. Who haven´t seen the first episode, sonic, knuckles, shadow and Seelkadoom were sucked by a portal to other dimension.This episode, relates the adventure of Sonic and his friends in a planet called "Herbegitan".I hope you enjoy it! How to play: Use mouse to interact. Play free Sonic RPG eps 2 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 4 part 1Sonic RPG eps 4 part 1
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: Well, here is the episode 4. This time the auhtor put on it voices in the characters. He had to divide the movie in two parts because with all the material the final movie became too big.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG eps 4 part 1 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 5Sonic RPG eps 5
Tags: Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Monsters, Fighting,
Infomation: In this movie you will be able to explore the caves of night's Castle to get Holy water which will be used to heal Knuckles .Through the labirinth you will find some menaces, as a real RPG exploration. Then you will use your RPG's experience to fight the last boss.I hope you enjoy it and thanks to all the appreciators that motivated me to make this game. How to play: Use mouse to interact. Play free Sonic RPG eps 5 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 4 part 2Sonic RPG eps 4 part 2
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: Well, here is the episode 4, part 2. The Author had to divide the movie in two parts because with all the material the final movie became too big.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG eps 4 part 2 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 3Sonic RPG eps 3
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: Here is the 3rd episode of the sequel Sonic RPG. The people who wanted to watch the power of Seelkadoom will enjoy this movie. The other ones will also enjoy this one...NOTES:- Flash player 8 required - To forward trough the text press ENTER How to play: Use mouse to interact. Play free Sonic RPG eps 3 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 1 part 1Sonic RPG eps 1 part 1
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: This is a series movie, Sonic RPG by MidNightMaren.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG eps 1 part 1 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG ep 7Sonic RPG ep 7
Tags: Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Movie, Monsters, Fighting,
Infomation: Here it comes! One more chapter of Sonic RPG! This one took me months to finish, but I hope it worths all this wait! Nothing to say really, just thank you all guys to keep me motivated to make this series!
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG ep 7 at freeonlinegames6.com
Sonic RPG eps 1 part 2Sonic RPG eps 1 part 2
Tags: Fun, Action, Flash, Series, Role Playing, Robots, Movie, Fighting,
Infomation: Here is the part 2 of Sonic RPG eps 1, here sonic fights eggman's robot and find who is his new enemy.
How to play: Use mouse to interact.
Play free Sonic RPG eps 1 part 2 at freeonlinegames6.com
Evan Almighty ArketrisEvan Almighty Arketris
Tags: Unrated games, Tetris, Advergames, Arcade, Shockwave, 1 Player, Movie,
Infomation: Help Evan Almighty with the Ark! The goal of the game is to clear all of the wood pieces from the screen. As they tumble down to the wood pile, arrange them in stacks to collect them for Evan̢۪s Ark.
How to play: Left/Right arrow keys- To move the wood pieces from side to side. Up arrow- To rotate the wood pieces. Down arrow- To move the wood pieces down at the bottom. Play free Evan Almighty Arketris at freeonlinegames6.com
Monsters vs Alien Gallaxhar InvadesMonsters vs Alien Gallaxhar Invades
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Advergames, Alien, Arcade, Flash, Flying, Monsters, Movie, Shoot Em Up, Shooting,
Infomation: The movie Monsters vs. Aliens has a renewed version of the classic Space Invaders. Shoot your water cannon and defend the earth from the invasion.
How to play: Left / Right Arrow Keys - Move. Spacebar - Shoot. Play free Monsters vs Alien Gallaxhar Invades at freeonlinegames6.com
Harry Potter Fight the Death EatersHarry Potter Fight the Death Eaters
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Action, Defend, Flash, Movie, Shoot Em Up, Shooting, Wand,
Infomation: Use your wand to defeat the Death Eaters before they reach you. Light up the 6 orbs to perform devastating Patronous charm and clear the whole area.
How to play: This game is played with mouse only.
Play free Harry Potter Fight the Death Eaters at freeonlinegames6.com
The Lion King MemoryThe Lion King Memory
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Animal, Flash, Memory Game, Movie, Puzzle,
Infomation: Remember the sequence and then copy it.
How to play: This game is played with mouse only.
Play free The Lion King Memory at freeonlinegames6.com
Spider man 3 Memory MatchSpider man 3 Memory Match
Tags: New games, 1 Player, Flash, Matching Game, Memory Game, Movie, Puzzle,
Infomation: Find the matching cards before time runs out.
How to play: This game is played with mouse only.
Play free Spider man 3 Memory Match at freeonlinegames6.com